Monday, June 11, 2007

Jeremy's Summer Vacation Part 5

So you may ask what in a little boy's world could be better than a huge dump truck?What could Jeremy be doing that is keeping his interest and seems to have him so excited? What could possibly come in such a big box? What in the world do all of these screws, nuts and bolts go to? Will pappy ever be able to figure it out before bedtime? Will Jeremy be able to contain his excitement as his anticipation builds?
Well there it is a slide. It must be a swing set. O'boy! Look at him as he poses for that picture with his Pappy. I would say they look alike.
Alright let's get to work. I want to get this thing together. We need to work faster. I want to slide and swing.
Woo Hoo Look at me go. I knew Pappy and I could get this swing set put together in no time. Now I can swing. Woo Hoo I'm having so much fun! Woo Hoo still swinging. I guess I am better at building and playing than cleaning up. Poor Pappy is cleaning up while I am having fun.
Wow look at that face.

I guess this answers my helmet vs. hat question. What could be more fun than riding your scooter around your new swing set? Man life is good.

Keep checking back. I hear there will be swimming soon and maybe some pictures with a real train. We all know how much Jeremy loves trains.

Pictures taken


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