Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter:)

We had a very nice Easter this year. First mommy, daddy, and I dyed Easter eggs on Saturday. I had loads of fun and didn't even make a big mess.

This is a picture of the nice toys and candy that the Easter Bunny brought to my house. The Easter Bunny also left a chocolate bunny for me at Nanny and Granpappys house. We went their for dinner I even tried some ham!!!!!! That made Mommy and Daddy happy.

As you can see I was really happy and I am pretty sure that mommy and daddy will some how make this candy last for a year because they don't like me to eat sugar.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nice Teeth

I had my very first dentist appointment the other day and I was so big. I sat in the chair and got my teeth cleaned and checked by the tooth doctor. I didn't cry or whine or get scared. He said my teeth are perfect and that I may not even need braces because my spacing right now is perfect. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of my they took me to get some toy cars.